For many of our clients, time is their most valuable asset.  It is a rarer commodity than any of their other financial assets.

All too often people, who are intensely involved in creating a successful future, neglect to spend adequate time protecting the fruits of their labor or the people they love. This is not because they don’t realize it is important, but rather because they simply do not have any more time in the day. 

They are pulled in a thousand directions.  Our clients realize that wise delegation is a far more effective tool than neglect.   However, many highly successful people have not previously been able to find professionals, whom they trust enough, to give them confidence about delegating this important task. 

We hope that after discussing your particular situation, you will find it a great relief to finally have this pressing “To Do” off your plate; because you know we truly understand your issues and goals , are able to  offer the expertise, experience and dedication that it takes to create a plan that is very likely to achieve your objectives. 

We believe delegation to prudent, properly trained professionals is one of the most important resources in protecting and growing your wealth. Wealth rarely manages itself. Delegation can be a tool that frees busy people to carve out the time to enjoy the people and pursuits that add meaning to their lives. At Stonehaven, we believe we are a capable resource that can catalyze the management of our client’s wealth and improve the quality of their lives.

After years of working with people who live their lives in the fast lane, we have found effective ways to help our clients balance the demands of what is important to them in their lives with the proper management of their assets. We also have found ways to simplify the information gathering process as well. 

Once we understand our client’s goals and objectives, we are happy to coordinate with the other people in our clients’ lives that “hold down the fort for them.”  We try to organize, pro-actively anticipate, and stream-line the time it takes to do the leg-work of planning. Then, we work with our client’s team to rapidly implement the chosen strategy.

We are happy to help educate our clients and/or spouses, executive assistants; trusted friends, grown-children etc.  We teach them about economics, market realities, wealth management techniques and how to be effective advocates/implementers for the client.  We can provide prudent, experienced, professionally-trained over-sight and decision making for the proper management of client’s assets in accordance with the objectives that we have identified with them.

We are very comfortable coordinating with the other specialty professionals, such as your attorneys, accountants, lenders, etc. so they can become part of a customized professional team, dedicated to your goals and to facilitating implementation in a streamlined fashion.

Our founder has experience working with the principals of private equity companies, business owners, celebrities, leverage buy-out professionals, doctors, lawyers, large real estate developers, consultants, multi-nationals, ultra-high net worth families, etc.  From this experience, she has figured out how to work with clients, who travel extensively or need to be contacted between meetings or while waiting for planes.  We are adept at using electronic means to implement plans with clients remotely.

While we know that many of our clients have the intelligence and drive necessary to excel in the wealth management field, we remind them that they have chosen to focus on other fields of expertise.  We believe it is important for our clients to realize no human can do everything and that your hard-earned wealth should not be placed in the hands of amateurs; no matter how intelligent they may be.  At the same time, we are respectful of our client’s wishes to retain particular holdings and/or avoid certain industry sectors or corporations.

We know that it is not smart to let your wealth suffer significant neglect, no matter how much wealth you are generating at the same time. Therefore, we endeavor to make it easy for you to implement the recommended strategies while you remain focused on your professional goals and/or spend your time enjoying the fruits of your labor.

Call us to see how we can help you. 978-430-0150